Map Gallery

NMSU's ArcGIS Online Maps

Project 01

This link contains NMSU's ArcGIS map gallery

NMSU's other projects

Project 02

NMSU other projects

IMIP/Mexico Gallery Map

Project 02

Gallery Map

INEGI/Mexico Digital Map of Mexico (Spanish)

Project 02

Gallery Map

Digital map of Mexico is a Geographic Information System (GIS) developed by INEGI, which integrates information on natural and cultural elements of the geographical environment of the country and can relate statistical information. It is available in two forms that seek to address different user needs:

  • Digital map of Mexico online. Application where you can access more than 200 layers of geographic and statistical information of the country, with topics such as urban mapping, facilities, population and housing, roads, climate, natural resources, among others. It also allows for spatial analysis and map digitizing.
  • Digital map of Mexico desktop. GIS designed to promote and facilitate the integration, use, interpretation and analysis of geographic and statistical information; It can connect to geographic databases and web servers maps, incorporating information as data tables and documentation, among other capabilities.
To download desktop version (Only spanish)

NMSU's Partner REST services

Project 02

REST services

Bureau Of Land Management

Project 04

Bureau of Land Management

Amador-Proximo Project

Project 02

REST services