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New Mexico State University

Department of Geography Spatial Applications Research Center (SpARC)

USDOT/SCT/ICT Border Geographic Information System II

The U.S.-Mexico Joint Working Committee on transportation planning (JWC) is a binational group whose primary focus is to cooperate on land transportation planning along and across the U.S.-Mexico border and the facilitation of efficient, safe, and economical cross-border transportation movements. The group is comprised primarily of transportation professionals from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Mexican Secretariat of Communication and Transportation (SCT), staff within states departments of transportation in the U.S. and Mexico, and other federal officials in the U.S. and Mexico. In the last several years, the JWC, working through the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT), has contracted the Department of Geography and the Spatial Applications Research Center at New Mexico State University (NMSU) on the Border Infrastructure Needs Study and Binational GIS Project (BINS/BGIS). Project outcomes and products are hosted at this site and the linked web pages accessed from this site.

This portal provides access to various data downloads and Internet Mapping Services. If you plan to use bookmarks, bookmark this page rather than the individual site pages as those will likely migrate to different servers.  The portal page will be the most reliable form of access to the online interactive mapping sites.

WARNING: The map server requires a high speed connection. If you have a 56K or slower connection, maps could take several minutes to load.


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Google Earth: POE_07_2012.kmz

JWC 2012 Annual Meeting - SpARC Presentation PDF

BGIS project data (2012) :

DISCLAIMER: Every attempt had been made to insure the highest quality and most accurate geospatial data in this project; including data contained in project outcomes and products. However, NMSU, the NMDOT, and FHWA assume no liability for the use of these products by end users.