Wetlands / Humedales
Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment (Water 2010, 2, 530-549;doi:10.3390/w2030530) Creation of Chihuahuan Desert Bi-National Wetland: A Feasibility Assessment (World Wildlife Fund Chihuahuan Desert Program) Constructed Wetlands Wastewater Treatment Lagoons – Pueblo of Zuni (Environmental Assessment by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) National Wetlands Inventory
Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment (Water 2010, 2, 530-549;doi:10.3390/w2030530)
Creation of Chihuahuan Desert Bi-National Wetland: A Feasibility Assessment (World Wildlife Fund Chihuahuan Desert Program)
Constructed Wetlands Wastewater Treatment Lagoons – Pueblo of Zuni (Environmental Assessment by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
National Wetlands Inventory